Monologues With Video

A Baby, a Tower and Some Shepherds
Theme: Christmas
A monologue by the wife of one of the shepherds who angels told of the birth of Jesus.

The script for this monologue is in my book The Heart of Christ, Eight Biblical Monologues now available on Amazon.

A Basket of Reeds, a Basket of Hope
Theme: God hears, and He cares.
A monologue by Miriam, sister of Moses.

A Blessing or a Curse
Theme: Forgiveness, Easter
A monologue by Peter’s wife as she recounts Peter telling her about his denial of Jesus, the resurrection of Jesus and Jesus’ forgiveness of him.

A Scarlet Cord
Theme: Protection
A monologue by Rahab.

The script for this monologue is in my book:  Jesus' Surprising Genealogy: Seven monologues of unexpected women in Jesus' genealogy

A Tale of a Key
Theme: God’s provision, trusting God
A monologue as a single woman laments her struggles over a car key and then imagines what it would have been like to be the widow of Nain whose only son was raised from the dead by Jesus.

A Starring Role in God’s Promise
Theme: God’s promise, trusting God, Jesus the Lamb
A monologue by Sara as she waits for Abraham and Isaac to return from their trip, not realizing God had told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.

Theme: Kindness
A monologue by Abigail, wife of Nabal, who showed kindness to the future King David.

Adoring Mary
Theme: Christmas
A monologue by Mary’s mother.

The script for this monologue is in my book The Heart of Christ, Eight Biblical Monologues now available on Amazon.

Theme: Trials hurt more the second time around
A monologue by Sarah, wife of Abraham, when she winds up in a royal harem again

Alone in a Crowd
Theme: Healing, loneliness, miracles
A monologue by the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years, unclean and isolated for twelve years, who is healed by Jesus.

Always Interrupting Funerals
Theme: Compassion
A monologue by the widow whose son was raised from the dead by Jesus.

An Extravagant Gift
Theme: Generosity
A monologue by Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, after she anoints Jesus’ feet with an expensive nard.

Anna, a Reflection of Faithfulness
Theme: Faithfulness
A monologue by Anna, 84-year-old prophetess and widow living in the temple day and night who saw the baby Jesus

Anna Almost
Theme: Stewardship of our opportunities
A monologue by a woman who was almost in the Bible.

Barabbas' Mother, an Easter Story of Hope and Redemption
Theme: Easter & Jesus' death in our place
A monologue by the mother of Barabbas, the man the crowd chose over Jesus.

Blessed is She
Theme: God-given dreams come true in God's strength and God's timing and give the glory to Jesus.
A dialogue involving a modern-day disillusioned dreamer, and the biblical character Elizabeth, who finds her discarded dream of having a child comes true when she becomes pregnant with John the Baptist.

This monologue is in my book The Heart of Christ, Eight Biblical Monologues now available on Amazon.

Bringing Warmth to a Cold King
Theme: Encouragement, significance
A monologue by Abishag, the young woman chosen to lie next to the elderly King David to keep him warm at night.

But Then Jesus Came
Theme: Hope, healing, Jesus’ miracles.
A monologue by three women: a friend of the blind man healed by Jesus, the woman who had been bent over for 18 years who was healed by Jesus, and the widow whose son was raised from the dead by Jesus.

Theme: Choices
A monologue by Orpah, daughter-in-law of Naomi and sister-in-law to Ruthwho talks about her decision to go back to Moab instead of going to Bethlehem with Ruth and Naomi.

Come Home, Ruth
Theme: Home, kindness
A monologue by Ruth as sh seeks a new home in Bethlehem.

The script for this monologue is in my book:  Jesus' Surprising Genealogy: Seven monologues of unexpected women in Jesus' genealogy

Dancing with Joy
Theme: Healing, joy, hope
A monologue by the bent over woman healed by Jesus.

Dare to be Different
Theme: Uniqueness , courage
A monologue by one of the daughters of Zelophehad

Dare to Hope
Theme: The pain that comes when long dead hope is revived, only to be killed again.
A monologue by the woman in II Kings whose barrenness is cured by Elisha, thus giving her a child, and then later that same son is raised from the dead by Elisha.

Theme: Overwhelming situations
A monologue by Michal, King David’s first wife

Empty Womb, Aching Heart
Theme: God hears, God cares, God loves you.
A monologue about the anguish Hannah experiences because of her childlessness and her joy when God gives her Samuel.

Endless Oil, Endless Hope
Theme: Hope
A modern woman laments a huge car repair bill and imagines what it would have been like to be the woman in the Bible where Elijah did the miracle of the neverending oil.

A monologue by the wife of Adam.
Theme: Consequences of sin; God doesn't give up on us

For Such a Time as This
Theme: Overcoming fear, God’s opportunity
A monologue by Queen Esther.

Friends, Who Needs Them
Theme: Friendship
A monologue by Naomi, mother-in-law of Ruth, as she comes to realize the value of friendship through her relationship with Ruth.

God Can Change Anyone?
Theme: Praying for unsaved loved ones
A monologue by Junia, relative of Paul who came to Christ before Paul did.

God is Enough
Theme: God is enough for all our needs.
A monologue by the widow who gave the last of her flour and oil to make a meal for Elijah and was rewarded with oil and flour that never ran out (I Kings 17:8-24)

Having Faith in the Silence
Theme: Encouragement, Faith, Waiting
When God had given us a promise, it can be hard to wait in the silence.  This  monologue is about Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, as she waits for the baby to move in the womb. It also encourages not to be dream killers as our brothers and sisters go through periods of waiting.

The script for this monologue is in my book The Heart of Christ, Eight Biblical Monologues now available on Amazon.

Heading Home to Hesed
Theme: Home, kindness
A monologue by Ruth as she finds her true home with Boaz in Bethlehem

The script for this monologue is in my book:  Jesus' Surprising Genealogy: Seven monologues of unexpected women in Jesus' genealogy

Hearing the Voice of Jesus
Theme: Listening
A monologue by Mary, sister of Martha.

His Grip of Grace
Theme: Grace
A monologue about three different women: the wife of Simon Peter, a relative of the Apostle Paul, and a friend of the woman caught in adultery.

Jesus, the Perfect Peacemaker
Theme: Reconciliation. Peacemaking
A monologue by the mother of Matthew

Jesus Is the Key
Theme: Healing, Faith
A monologue by the Canaanite mother who begs Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter.

Jesus Loves Lazarus 
Theme:  How can God let the righteous suffer?  
A monologue by Mary, sister of Lazarus, as she comes to grips with why Jesus let her brother die.

Jesus’s Sister
Theme: Easter, Hope
A monologue by one of Jesus’s sisters.

Just a Few Loaves
Theme: No matter what our abilities are, God can use them for His glory.
A monologue by the mother of the boy who gave Jesus his lunch of five loaves and two fishes.

Laughing at God
Theme: Faith in your God-given dreams
A second monologue from Sarah wife of Abraham

The script for this monologue is in my book:  Jesus' Surprising Genealogy: Seven monologues of unexpected women in Jesus' genealogy

Theme: Rejection.
A monologue by Leah, the wife Jacob didn’t love

The script for this monologue is in my book:  Jesus' Surprising Genealogy: Seven monologues of unexpected women in Jesus' genealogy

Losing Jesus
Theme: Christmas, purpose
A monologue by Mary, mother of Jesus, as she and Joseph realize they’ve left young Jesus back in Jerusalem.

The script for this monologue is in my book The Heart of Christ, Eight Biblical Monologues now available on Amazon.

Leaving Hosea
Theme: Restoration, Forgiveness
A monologue by Gomer, wife of Hosea.

Love Wrapped in a Jewish Rabbi
Theme: Forgiveness
A monologue by the woman who washed Jesus’s feet with her tears.

Theme: Significance
A monologue by Lydia, seller of purple cloth, who was Paul’s first European convert.

Mad Mary
Theme: Easter
A monologue by Mary Magdalene

Martha’s Song
Theme: Signicance
A monologue by Martha, sister of Mary, as she laments about feeling unappreciated coated.

Mary at the Cross
Theme: Easter
A monologue by Mary, mother of Jesus, as she watches His crucifixion.

Mary's Musings  
Theme: Christmas. Jesus born to die.
A monologue by Mary, the mother of Jesus as she muses about the very strange "baby gifts" (gold, frankincense and myrrh) given to her son

The script for this monologue is in my book The Heart of Christ, Eight Biblical Monologues now available on Amazon.

Mercy with Skin On
Theme: Mercy, Healing
A monologue by the sister of a leper healed by Jesus.

Michal, Heart of Stone
Theme: Don’t let hurts harden your heart.
Another monologue by Michal, first wife of David.

Naomi’s U Turn
Theme: second chances
Another monologue by Naomi, mother-in-law of Ruth, as she realizes God offers second chances.

Noah's Wife -
Theme: Don't give up on your dreams.
A monologue by Noah's wife.

Not Called to be Moses
Theme: Jealousy. Comparing yourself to others.
A monologue by Miriam, sister of Moses, after God strikes her with leprosy.

Open or Closed
Theme: Prayer, Faith
A monologue by Rhoda, the servant girl who keeps the angelically rescued Peter waiting outside when he comes to the prayer meeting, where they have been praying for his release from prison.

Peace and Forgiveness at Jesus’ Feet
Theme: Peace, Forgiveness
A monologue by the woman caught in adultery who Jesus forgives.

Peter's Mother-in-law
Theme: Letting God expand your limitations.
A monologue by Peter’s mother-in-law, healed by Jesus

Pleading with Jesus
Theme: Waiting on God; Jesus’ healing power
A monologue by the Syrophoenician woman whose demon possessed daughter is healed by Jesus.

Putting God in a Box
Theme: Powerlessness, hope
A monologue by a modern woman who is struggling with why God lets certain things happen and then imagines what it would have been like to be Mary, sister of Lazarus, and Sarah, wife of Abraham.

Putting Out the Fire
Theme: Peacemaking, Reconciliation
A monologue by Abigail

Rich? Or Poor?
Theme: God’s provision
A monologue by the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7 who was helped by Elisha.

Separated No More
Theme: Separation, Division, Restoration
A monologue by the Samaritan woman at the well

Sondra Somebody
Theme: Serving God
Sondra Somebody is always stepping in when they say “Somebody should do something.” She is feeling like a nobody. She learns through a dream that her acts of service are for Jesus and she is His very special someone.

Tamar, No Longer Ashamed
Theme: Freedom From Shame
A monologue about Tamar, as she tells her story.

The script for this monologue is in my book:  Jesus' Surprising Genealogy: Seven monologues of unexpected women in Jesus' genealogy

The Answer is Jesus
Theme: Easter, Jesus, Forgiveness
A monologue by Barabbas’ mother.

The Decision
Theme: Sanctity of life
A monologue where a modern woman imagines what it would have been like to be Puah, one of the Egyptian midwives who defied Pharaoh’s edict and spared the Israelite male babies. She tells of her own prolife decision.

The God Who Sees Me
Theme: Significance
A monologue by Hagar as she learns God sees, God hears and God cares.

The Heart of a Shepherd
Theme: Evangelism
A monologue by the wife of the shepherd iwho searched for the lost sheep in Jesus’s parable (Matt. 18:10-14.

The script for this monologue is in my book The Heart of Christmas, Eight Biblical Monologues now available on Amazon.

The Lost is Found
Theme: Salvation
A monologue by the woman in Jesus’s parable about the woman searching for her lost coin (Luke 15:8-10).

The Neighbor of the Woman at the Well
Theme: Evangelism
A monologue by a neighbor of the Samaritan woman who Jesus talks to at the well

The Potiphar’s Wife Call-in Advice Show
Theme: Boredom, compromise
A monologue where a modern woman dreams of a call-in advice show where she gets advice from Potiphar’s wife and Joseph’s wife.

The Queen Jezebel Call-in Advice show
Theme: Powerlessness
A monologue where a modern woman dreams of a call-in advice show where she gets advice from Queen Jezebel and Queen Esther.

The Risks of Friendship
Theme: Friendship
A monologue by Abigail, one of King David’s wives, who tells the story of David and Jonathan’s special friendship.

The Woman at the Well
Theme: Evangelism
A monologue by the Samaritan woman who Jesus talks to at the well

There is Hope, There is Healing
Theme: Suffering, Hope, Restoration
A monologue by Job’s wife.

Three Marys a Trio of Trust
Theme: Trust
A monologue about Mary, mother of Jesus; Mary, sister of Lazarus; and Mary Magdalene.

Three People Protected by God
Theme: Protection
A monologue about Ruth and Rahab.

Throwing Stones
Theme: Forgiveness of sin
A monologue by the woman who is caught in adultery and brought by the Pharisees to be judged by Jesus.

Trapped Between the Red Sea and the Egyptian Army
Theme: God’s Protection
A monologue by Miriam, sister of Moses, as she watches God part the Red Sea and save them from the Egyptian army.

True Freedom
Theme: Freedom
A monologue by the slave girl who had a demon removed by Paul.

Waiting for Jesus
Theme: Waiting on God; Jesus’s healing power,
A monologue by Jairus’ wife as she waits for her husband to bring Jesus to heal their daughter.

Walking on Water
Theme: Faith
A monologue by the Apostle Peter’s wife, as she tells about him walking on water.

What Is Truth
Theme: Easter, Truth
A monologue by Pilate’s wife

Writing a New Chapter
Theme: Integrity, Forgiveness
A monologue by Bathsheba

Monologues Without Videos

Norma NotMe
Theme: Stewardship of time, talents and treasure
A monologue by a modern woman who, when given opportunity to serve responds, “Not me!”

* For a complete list of monologues or to request a custom monologue for your event please email or call 520-247-0604.